
Flatbread- quick and easy to make

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I love a good BBQ and nothing beats some freshly made flatbread with it.

They are super versatile and absolutely easy to make.

And the best part is, that they are done in an instant. Like literally done in 5 minutes. And the ingredients are basic, which most of us have at home all the time.

So what do you actually need for those?

All you need is:

All-purpose flour, salt, sugar, water, baking powder and some olive oil.

Yep, you read that correctly, no yeast is needed for them as the baking soda will make them rise and get fluffy. And you also don’t lose time while the dough has to proof.

So that’s it! This is all you need! Well, and a pan and some oil if you make them on a stove.

Oh, and those tasty flatbreads are vegan as well. As long as you do not brush some tasty garlic butter on top of it…

They do taste so good with a lot of things- I am thinking butter chicken curry, some hummus, lemon chicken or just with a simple salad!

My personal favourite however is with a chicken shawarma from the grill- I fell like whisked away immediately.

And they are super easy to prepare.

You just need to divide the dough in little balls, roll them, flatten them with your rolling pin and then “bake” them in your pan or grill. They will need roughly around 2-3 minutes on each side, depending on how thick you rolled them out. And the heat will give them those beautiful bubbles.

But you can also spice them up!


My favourite variations of the flatbread:

Garlic butter– simply brush a bit of garlic butter over your flatbread

Fresh coriander– simply add some coriander, with some olive oil on top

Chili Oil: if you like it spicy, simply add some chilli oil

If you prefer them plain, or with a bit of zing, either way they are absolutely delicious.

When are going to try out my easy flatbread recipe?

love, sabrina x


A quick addition to your next BBQ

  • Prep time:
    5 minutes
  • Rest time:
    5 minutes
  • Cook time:
    10 minutes
  • Total time:
    20 minutes


10 pieces
400 g flour
2 tsp baking powder
0.5 tsp sugar
0.5 tsp salt
2 Tbsp olive oil and some extra
250 ml water


  • Pan/ grill/ rolling pin

Steps of preparation

  1. Mix your flour, sugar, salt and baking powder together
  2. Add olive oil and water and mix everything together and let it rest for 5 minutes
  3. your dough will be quite sticky
  4. dust a clean surface with a bit of flour and divide your dough into 10 pieces
  5. each piece should have around 70g
  6. form each piece into a small ball and roll them out
  7. Add a bit of olive oil to your pan and “bake” the flatbreads in your pan- if you prefer you can also bake them on the grill.
  8. each side should take you around 2- 3 minutes
  9. repeat until all are ”baked” and enjoy!

How do you like the recipe?

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Then link @sabrinastable on Instagram or use the hashtag #sabrinastable.


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