meat recipes

lamb shank

Hi there!

Let´s talk about meat! Here you will find all of my recipes related to meat. It can be with chicken, beef, pork or lamb. It also features mains or even a starter. To make it easier for you, I separated the recipes into chicken, beef and all other meat recipes. Rest assured,  they will be delicious but simple to prepare.


love, sabrina x

Chicken Recipes

Please find below my favourite recipes with chicken. They are super easy to prepare and of course always yum! The chicken recipes are always easy to prepare and most of them are family favourites!

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Please find below my favorite recipes with beef as the main ingredient. Happy cooking!

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Here you will find a collection of all my recipes which contain meat-this can be in any form of chicken, bacon, sausage, lamb or or or.

Sometimes you can also find a recipe where meat is not the main actor of the dish. But as it still contains meat, I included it here. But hey, browse around, get inspired to cook and get hungry!

Lasagne al Forno

Lasagne al Forno

So now you’ve made my bolognese sauce, but your favourite meal is actually a lasagna…

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Chicken Schnitzel

Schnitzel my Style

There are so many Schnitzel recipes out there, but please let me introduce you to…

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